Special Thanks

Dear Supporters,

We are deeply grateful for your generosity and support. Your contributions have enabled our small charity to continue its mission in Selston and surrounding villages. Your support enables us to positively impact the community, and we are so thankful for that.

Specific thanks go to:

The National Lottery Community Fund

Thomas Farr Foundation 

Albert Hunt Trust

Ashfield District Council

Nottinghamshire County Council

J. Derbyshire Trust


Selston CO-OP

Eastwood Morrisons

Gillots Funeral Directors

West Ashfield Rotary Club 

RTC Fund

Feeding Britain 

CO-OP Community Fund

Sainsburys – Neighbourly

Nottinghamshire Freemasons

Coalfields Regeneration Trust

P3- People Potential Possibilities

Severn Trent Community Fund


Hazelwood Property


Also a HUGE thank you to our wonderful community who without your support whether it be financial contributions, volunteering or attending our fundraising events we would not be able to function as we do .


Warm regards, The Tin Hat Centre